National News Dickie Davies


A real icon from my childhood.
RIP. A good innings as well, thought we had lost him years ago. World of Sport was always the more fun equivalent to the much more boring and straight-laced Grandstand.
I was so young that I think I used to get him and Des Lynam mixed up, one mustachioed silver fox presenting a saturday afternoon TV sports show looks a lot like another when you are 6 years old, but it does take you back to what a different time it was for sports tv coverage back in the eighties, kids today would find it ridiculous. A choice of either Wrestling from Wigan,followed by truck racing from Doncaster on ITV or Ice Hockey from Bracknell followed by showjumping from Winchester on the BBC before you got to see the football scores come in, even teletext seemed groundbreaking when it came in with score updates.

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