International News Germany starting to crumble?

Mmm, not good.
Merkel must be nearing the end of her tenure?
She appears to have been an excellent leader, but Germany does seem to have a few problems.
Worrying times for AM et al..... Thuringia is where things started for a certain Adolf.

Alongside having to pick up a hole in the EU budget, a surge in nationalism and difficulties with mass migration.
And there was me being told Germany was fine and would be fine :unsure:

Very embarrassing for Merkel, but it does highlight that Germany is teetering on the edge of a little chaos that has been unbecoming of the country after the wall has come down. She seems to have lost control and bit like the Maybot, unable to get it back.
Why scrutinise Germany when we have Boris? Boris who will hide in a freezer, refuse to be interviewed, refuse admittance to critical journalists to pres briefings and do anything else necessary to escape scrutiny and accountability.
Worrying times for AM et al..... Thuringia is where things started for a certain Adolf.

Alongside having to pick up a hole in the EU budget, a surge in nationalism and difficulties with mass migration.

This just another step along the populist political road that the world is taking at the moment.

Countries are still recovering from the 2008 crash and the austerity that came with it but some have moved towards this quicker than others.
Why scrutinise Germany when we have Boris? Boris who will hide in a freezer, refuse to be interviewed, refuse admittance to critical journalists to pres briefings and do anything else necessary to escape scrutiny and accountability.

I think we are covering Boris in a separate thread....kind of how forums work.
Seem to remember he was delivered with a spanking majority to get things done, we`ll see on that one.
Accountability still takes place at PMQ`s etc.
Why scrutinise Germany when we have Boris? Boris who will hide in a freezer, refuse to be interviewed, refuse admittance to critical journalists to pres briefings and do anything else necessary to escape scrutiny and accountability.
I am really not sure that what is written here isnt if concern regardless of whether we have Johnson, Corbyn or anybody else?
This is a really silly, anti German thread, for those holding a prejudiced view on Germany. Just because a twist of fate resulted in Hitler taking control... England had many tyrants with lots of power in earlier times.

Britain has political organisations that are very much British-supremisist. Farage has admitted that UKIP was all about harnessing these people and attracting more moderates, but with similar nationalistic and supremisist views.

This story has been selected to provoke a reaction from idiots. When an idiot clicks on the story, the website earns money from advertising. Hence, in the UK, we only hear stories from Germany like this, and we are only told the parts of the story that will genarate clicks/revenue.

This is such a non-story, yet here it is, on this football forum.

So many baited...
This is a really silly, anti German thread, for those holding a prejudiced view on Germany. Just because a twist of fate resulted in Hitler taking control... England had many tyrants with lots of power in earlier times.

Britain has political organisations that are very much British-supremisist. Farage has admitted that UKIP was all about harnessing these people and attracting more moderates, but with similar nationalistic and supremisist views.

This story has been selected to provoke a reaction from idiots. When an idiot clicks on the story, the website earns money from advertising. Hence, in the UK, we only hear stories from Germany like this, and we are only told the parts of the story that will genarate clicks/revenue.

This is such a non-story, yet here it is, on this football forum.

So many baited...

It`s clearly tagged as International News, guess what it is.
The link provided was from the BBC not some clickbait red top rag.
Forum`s are for discussion are they not?

Definitely seems to have triggered someone.................
This is a really silly, anti German thread, for those holding a prejudiced view on Germany. Just because a twist of fate resulted in Hitler taking control... England had many tyrants with lots of power in earlier times.

Britain has political organisations that are very much British-supremisist. Farage has admitted that UKIP was all about harnessing these people and attracting more moderates, but with similar nationalistic and supremisist views.

This story has been selected to provoke a reaction from idiots. When an idiot clicks on the story, the website earns money from advertising. Hence, in the UK, we only hear stories from Germany like this, and we are only told the parts of the story that will genarate clicks/revenue.

This is such a non-story, yet here it is, on this football forum.

So many baited...
It was on the BBC.
Not that it makes it right of course and sure sensationalised.
You can totally ignore it and suggest that we have our own problems so ignore Gernany's.
But in my view there are some worries there.
This is a really silly, anti German thread, for those holding a prejudiced view on Germany. Just because a twist of fate resulted in Hitler taking control... England had many tyrants with lots of power in earlier times.

Britain has political organisations that are very much British-supremisist. Farage has admitted that UKIP was all about harnessing these people and attracting more moderates, but with similar nationalistic and supremisist views.

This story has been selected to provoke a reaction from idiots. When an idiot clicks on the story, the website earns money from advertising. Hence, in the UK, we only hear stories from Germany like this, and we are only told the parts of the story that will genarate clicks/revenue.

This is such a non-story, yet here it is, on this football forum.

So many baited...
And if it is totally irrelevant, why not ignore it?
It was on the BBC.
Not that it makes it right of course and sure sensationalised.
You can totally ignore it and suggest that we have our own problems so ignore Gernany's.
But in my view there are some worries there.

What Essexyellows has done, however, is sensationalise the title of this thread.

Read that BBC article, and the truth is more along the lines of "A State in Germany has a really dumb system for electing its leadership, and a couple of far right politicians played some clever political games to subvert that dumb system".

It does not indicate that Merkel is presiding over a second Weimar Republic!
What Essexyellows has done, however, is sensationalise the title of this thread.

Read that BBC article, and the truth is more along the lines of "A State in Germany has a really dumb system for electing its leadership, and a couple of far right politicians played some clever political games to subvert that dumb system".

It does not indicate that Merkel is presiding over a second Weimar Republic!

Wouldn`t fit as a title. ?

That aside there are many similarities in Germany to some that occurred in the UK.
Mass migration, rise of the right and a lump of populism.

I would suggest anyone with interest in how Germany & the EU states are "coping" should watch Ed Ball`s excellent programme on BBC2 "Travel`s in Euroland".
This is a really silly, anti German thread, for those holding a prejudiced view on Germany. Just because a twist of fate resulted in Hitler taking control... England had many tyrants with lots of power in earlier times.

Britain has political organisations that are very much British-supremisist. Farage has admitted that UKIP was all about harnessing these people and attracting more moderates, but with similar nationalistic and supremisist views.

This story has been selected to provoke a reaction from idiots. When an idiot clicks on the story, the website earns money from advertising. Hence, in the UK, we only hear stories from Germany like this, and we are only told the parts of the story that will genarate clicks/revenue.

This is such a non-story, yet here it is, on this football forum.

So many baited...

Right I don't usually like to get involved with politics in a football forum, but this triggered me a little. I know for a fact I'm not the only part-German or German Oxford fan on this forum, but I'd still like to give a little perspective. What happened this week in Thuringia sent shockwaves around Germany and the rest of the world for good reason - Germany's coalition has had built a robust political "cordon sanitaire" around the far-right AfD party (essentially an agreement to act together against the AfD) - vital for representing the overall democratic anti-fascist majority voice of the country, as the AfD has worryingly become the country's second-biggest political party in recent years. So for this to apparently be broken to oust the socialist Die Linke politician expected to win the Thuringian election by 1 vote in a Bundesland (state) whose branch of the AfD is generally seen to be the most extreme is a political earthquake and should be talked about, as it outlines a general trend towards the far-right AfD's power and influence growing.

The comparison with Hitler is not born out of an anti-German prejudice (although I'm well aware that some more ignorant minds may choose to spin it this way), but because the exact same political move happened in the exact same Bundesland in the 1930s, leading to the Nazi party's eventual election into the Bundestag, so the historical comparison is rather chilling. Like I said this should be talked about, in Germany, the UK, Belgium or any other country in Europe for that matter, because nationalism is clearly once again on the rise, and far-right extremist parties like the AfD in Germany, BNP and UKIP in the UK, SD in Sweden or RN in France thrive off ignorance and lack of perspective, and the only way to regain perspective and stop the tide of history of repeating itself is to have a conversation.
I would recommend watching Look Who’s Back for a worrying view of where Germany could go with not too much of a push (allegedly)
Lol. I think you’re underestimating the director if you think that movie is a warning for Germany any more than anywhere else with a recently demonstrated penchant for nationalistic populism.
Like I said this should be talked about, in Germany, the UK, Belgium or any other country in Europe for that matter, because nationalism is clearly once again on the rise, and far-right extremist parties like the AfD in Germany, BNP and UKIP in the UK, SD in Sweden or RN in France thrive off ignorance and lack of perspective, and the only way to regain perspective and stop the tide of history of repeating itself is to have a conversation.

It's a great post.

But at the risk of sounding defeatist - how the hell do you achieve this in the modern world? In an era of social media hype and exaggeration, a mainstream media that seems merely to echo it, and political leadership on all sides that seems to shun argument in favour of simplistic soundbites?

To take Brexit as the most obvious and meaningful example.....we actually have had a great debate on here over the past five years between opposing viewpoints. With a few minor exceptions, it's been a mature and reasoned conversation.

But that sure as hell wasn't mirrored on the national stage.
Instead we got a bunch of people on one side yelling 'Out means out', 'Get Brexit Done', 'Respect the Vote' and 'Take Back Control' whilst the other yelled 'Economic Doom', 'The country's going to be sold to Trump' and occasionally 'Racist!'.

The five-year Brexit debate is over now, but I reckon I can count on one hand the number of times I saw a high profile figure, on the wider stage, give a rational, logical defense of EU membership or a reasoned, unemotive (if that's a word?) explanation of the benefits of increased UK sovereignty.
It's a great post.

But at the risk of sounding defeatist - how the hell do you achieve this in the modern world? In an era of social media hype and exaggeration, a mainstream media that seems merely to echo it, and political leadership on all sides that seems to shun argument in favour of simplistic soundbites?
Not defeatist, crass and uninformed.

How can anyone compare the rise of National Socialism in Germany with Brexit?

If you had lived in Germany you might have a grasp on how important this is to most, if not the vast majority of Germans.

You have to know how much modern Germany fears the return of far right politics to understand this.

I too wanted not to get involved in another thread involving politics but, as someone who spent many years living and working in Germany, I know all too well how important this is to Germany.
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