National News Boris Johnson - Ousted Former PM

Christ. Thought that was a spoof account. Honestly, what the hell is going on with this government, they are a disaster beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime. Dominic Cummings has to be the most odious toad ever to be involved with power in this country. He is like Alastair Campbell on steroids. Surprised he can go anywhere in this country without being shouted and screamed at. Trying to make out he some how cares about the NHS or the furlough scheme that helped so many. Scum is a word used far to often but it is fitting for him and the government he has been a part of.
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Cummings complaining about or criticising the government is fantastic viewing. It’s like watching Frankenstein kick off about the monster as it causes a mess, over and over.

You made it, Dom. Back when it was all about “winning” at any cost. You’re more to blame for this than almost any other person.
I am the same age as Matt Hancock, which is worrying as I assumed he wasn’t far from retiring, his paper round must of been up Mount Everest.
Still common sense etc.
Minister married for 15years, with 3 children, has affair with married woman, with three children, who he himself appointed to position as aide, perhaps awarded govt contract to her company etc, etc....
.....and the reason given for the outrage this has caused is that he '...broke social distancing laws...'. ?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

I have no words
It’s been getting more and more brazen for years as they’ve realised British people just stand and tut, and it’s become so tribal on top that a lot of people will actually back them for their behaviour. That’s the main issue for me. It isn’t just the people behaving badly to begin with, but the people who actively defend and excuse it.

Don’t understand it at all. Everybody should condemn anybody who behaves in a genuinely unacceptable way, regardless of political leanings. Especially in times of crisis. I want the people who represent my beliefs to have standards - my tolerance of their unaccountability is a reflection of my own values. It’s one thing to turn a blind eye, it’s quite another to actively campaign for a cover up.

That’s what I don’t like about this country anymore. Not the level of disagreements, but the absolute vacuum of morality. We should have more about us as a nation. You can have views that are polar opposites to another but still share the same core beliefs in terms of ethics and principles. We should all expect a basic level of decency and fair play.

We wouldn’t appear so fiercely and bitterly different from one another had we not lost that.
I think this attitude has sadly been built into every day life.
Just about every big company you have to deal with has their morality on the floor, doing just enough to keep things legal whist providing the bear minimum in service or product.
They’ll have the mandatory complaints depart, with a primary objective of making the complaint go away.
Our country is designed to extract as much as possible from the next person, and this feeds into the public narrative. “What can I get away with to achieve what I want”
I think this attitude has sadly been built into every day life.
Just about every big company you have to deal with has their morality on the floor, doing just enough to keep things legal whist providing the bear minimum in service or product.
They’ll have the mandatory complaints depart, with a primary objective of making the complaint go away.
Our country is designed to extract as much as possible from the next person, and this feeds into the public narrative. “What can I get away with to achieve what I want”
So true. And even more worrying is that it's these morally bankrupt companies that they want to run the NHS, aspects of the education system etc.
So true. And even more worrying is that it's these morally bankrupt companies that they want to run the NHS, aspects of the education system etc.
Of course they do where there are big profits and shareholder dividends to be hived off.

Kerching for the chumocracy and other selfish bastards associated with them.

Lack of separation between governing a nation and feathering your nest makes us all losers.
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