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Home Match Day Thread +++ 25/9/18 OUFC v Manchester City Match day thread+++

Interesting that you lay the entire blame at the Police front door...
Please see previous post where I regale that Man City moved their bus without being told to and it was too late to move it again.
So if we prevent disorder and don’t help with crowd issues we’re wrong. But if we’d of let disorder ensue and assisted further with the clubs operation we’d of got no criticism?? Unlikely.
Yep, to be fair it was an issue started by Billy big bollox driving the city team coach, amplified by the car park stewards probably part overawed part bullied by billy big bollox (they shouldve told him to do one n come back 20 or so mins later- and park pointing the other way closer to the quadrangle) then compounded by OUFC club officials instructing the attrociously parked city team coach to be surrounded by fencing.....ignoring safety implication s involving oufc s paying customers and not considering that with the fence in place behind north stand, the total chaos those actions (fencing off an area around a badly parked coach) would and did cause ..... arrogance and idiocy from Billy big bollox the coach driver who's perspective appeared to be" I drive superstars I do what I want" bullied car park stewards and a seriously seriously bad call by OUFC officials is where the blame lies IMO
It wasn't a case of one or the other. From what others have posted there was a police presence at the front of the South Stand and were apparently informed of the problem in large numbers of fans exiting this area. A decision could have been made to remove the barriers to enable these fans to exit safely - even if only for 15 minutes or so. After this, barriers could have returned to allow Man City to exit safely.

Public protection has to be fluid and it was apparently evident to all that many more were at risk from this situation than were potentially at risk from a few idiots. Yet the resources allocated to each was massively disproportionate.

And the blame for not reassessing the situation and intervening does lay with the police or the agencies employed to provide safety.
It was fluid. We changed and apdapted it several times as did the club to assist where necessary.
It was fluid. We changed and apdapted it several times as did the club to assist where necessary.
But it appears that nothing was done at the front of the South Stand once the situation developed, and this could have been easily resolved. Anyone who has ever policed a large public gathering must have surely realised that the footfall through that area would have far exceeded the available space. This may have been down to the coach being in the wrong place, but a couple of people directing fans around the area or creating a safe passage through the barriers would have minimised the problem.
It was fluid. We changed and apdapted it several times as did the club to assist where necessary.

Im sorry, it was not fluid and quite frankly your "officers" couldnt have cared less (well certainly the ones i passed) about the dangerous situation that was occuring. Spotted at least 2 having a leisurely stroll towards where the problem was occuring, people were visibly making them aware and they seemed not to care. The police then wonder why it "kicks off" and people lose respect for them. Deary me, also you are supposed to be representing the police, why are you argueing with people on here. Accept that TVP got it wrong and ensure it doesn't happen again.
Im sorry, it was not fluid and quite frankly your "officers" couldnt have cared less (well certainly the ones i passed) about the dangerous situation that was occuring. Spotted at least 2 having a leisurely stroll towards where the problem was occuring, people were visibly making them aware and they seemed not to care. The police then wonder why it "kicks off" and people lose respect for them. Deary me, also you are supposed to be representing the police, why are you argueing with people on here. Accept that TVP got it wrong and ensure it doesn't happen again.
No. It didn’t “kick off” because of the tactics that were used and changed. Why should I lie down and be criticised by people who don’t know the full story? Unless you know something that I don’t? I’m on here to be a point of contact and answer any queries. Which I have done both on here and by those that have privately messaged me and have been quite cordial about it.
No. It didn’t “kick off” because of the tactics that were used and changed. Why should I lie down and be criticised by people who don’t know the full story? Unless you know something that I don’t? I’m on here to be a point of contact and answer any queries. Which I have done both on here and by those that have privately messaged me and have been quite cordial about it.

You might be surprised to know that policing is about protecting and serving the public rather than containing and challenging them. Your attitude is frankly embarrassing and sums up the way that the police see football fans. And this is coming from a public servant of 23 years who would be ashamed to conduct myself in this manner.
You might be surprised to know that policing is about protecting and serving the public rather than containing and challenging them. Your attitude is frankly embarrassing and sums up the way that the police see football fans. And this is coming from a public servant of 23 years who would be ashamed to conduct myself in this manner.

And what facts are we missing here? What is the full story that hasn't been represented on this post?
No. It didn’t “kick off” because of the tactics that were used and changed. Why should I lie down and be criticised by people who don’t know the full story? Unless you know something that I don’t? I’m on here to be a point of contact and answer any queries. Which I have done both on here and by those that have privately messaged me and have been quite cordial about it.
No. It didn’t “kick off” because of the tactics that were used and changed. Why should I lie down and be criticised by people who don’t know the full story? Unless you know something that I don’t? I’m on here to be a point of contact and answer any queries. Which I have done both on here and by those that have privately messaged me and have been quite cordial about it.

You didn't answer my question which was:

What was the post match plan that was in place supposed to be if the City coach hadn't of moved without permission?
No. It didn’t “kick off” because of the tactics that were used and changed. Why should I lie down and be criticised by people who don’t know the full story? Unless you know something that I don’t? I’m on here to be a point of contact and answer any queries. Which I have done both on here and by those that have privately messaged me and have been quite cordial about it.
This is getting more bizarre the more I think about it. Where did all those barriers come from if it was a fluid reaction to the bus being parked in the wrong place? In the time it took to fetch them the coach could have been moved as I presume it parked before the final whistle when there was minimal risk to moving it versus the panic caused by leaving it there and surrounding it with stewards and fencing.
You might be surprised to know that policing is about protecting and serving the public rather than containing and challenging them. Your attitude is frankly embarrassing and sums up the way that the police see football fans. And this is coming from a public servant of 23 years who would be ashamed to conduct myself in this manner.
Thanks for the timely reminder. I and my family have a long history of policing. Why is it embarrassing. We’re supposed to be open and honest. What manner are you referring to? My honesty?
You didn't answer my question which was:

What was the post match plan that was in place supposed to be if the City coach hadn't of moved without permission?[/QUOTE)
Didn’t see a question. My apologies.
Post match plan? High visibility policing/stewarding help with egress. Can’t divulge much more buts the backbone of it.
High visibility policing alongside the stewards to assist in egress. Can’t divu much more but that’s the backbone of it.
Thanks for the timely reminder. I and my family have a long history of policing. Why is it embarrassing. We’re supposed to be open and honest. What manner are you referring to? My honesty?
Your attitude and trying to excuse ignoring a public safety situation in front of the South Stand due to a very minor public disorder situation elsewhere. There was more than enough police and stewards to properly manage both situations. To then challenge any criticism with "you don't know the facts" is pathetic.

You could have easily approached this by placing personnel at key points to direct people away or through the problem area. This wasn't done. You could have also come on here and said "We were surprised by the placement of the coach and didn't react quick enough to the situation as it developed. We will learn from this and hope that we will be more prepared for the big games we hope Oxford hold in the future."

Instead you whine about everyone blaming the police!!! That's poor.

Can't divulge much more? I'm sorry but that doesn't wash with me. This isn't MI5 on a secret mission. This is about the safety of 11000 people leaving a football stadium and a few footballers getting on a coach.

The coach would of moved before full time, surely a steward of officer would of noticed the coach moving and been told by someone from authority it would have to wait?

The Man City team could of been told to exit through the south stand lower out of the side entrance and onto the coach with no need to move the coach?

It sounds like there was no clear plan in place and unfortunately you are the one having to face the music while your colleagues hurry around thinking of excuses to why crowd control wasn't managed better last night.
Blimey perhaps there is more to this than just ineptitude then if it's becoming a secret that we're not allowed to be told.

Yes there were Police, but they were focused on a few not the many,
Yes there were stewards in high viz but they were all behind the fence holding it still against the crush.

There should be a public enquiry.
Your attitude and trying to excuse ignoring a public safety situation in front of the South Stand due to a very minor public disorder situation elsewhere. There was more than enough police and stewards to properly manage both situations. To then challenge any criticism with "you don't know the facts" is pathetic.

You could have easily approached this by placing personnel at key points to direct people away or through the problem area. This wasn't done. You could have also come on here and said "We were surprised by the placement of the coach and didn't react quick enough to the situation as it developed. We will learn from this and hope that we will be more prepared for the big games we hope Oxford hold in the future."

Instead you whine about everyone blaming the police!!! That's poor.

We were surprised, not taking the proverbial but it was too late to move it. And I’ve already said in the private messaging that there is learning for the future on the clubs and police side. Not everyone blames the Police. Some were supportive of us in a hostile atmosphere and the issues were eventually resolved.
We were surprised, not taking the proverbial but it was too late to move it. And I’ve already said in the private messaging that there is learning for the future on the clubs and police side. Not everyone blames the Police. Some were supportive of us in a hostile atmosphere and the issues were eventually resolved.
Hostile?? Christ, I've seen more hostility at scout camp!!

And no one is expecting a coached to be moved, but how close were any police to the coach and barriers? Were any deployed to oversee this area and manage any potential issues with a few thousand people leaving through this area? When you became aware of the problem did anything change to address the concerns of those in that area?

And please don't say things like "I can't divulge this" etc as some of us are far more knowledgeable about these situations than you think!
We were surprised, not taking the proverbial but it was too late to move it. And I’ve already said in the private messaging that there is learning for the future on the clubs and police side. Not everyone blames the Police. Some were supportive of us in a hostile atmosphere and the issues were eventually resolved.

By ‘eventually resolved’ do you mean that it was resolved once all the crowd manage to, themselves make their way home?
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