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Pyro thrown from North stand against Wycombe

I'll leave others to argue about the legality of throwing them, but maybe the bigger point was that it was so bloody pathetic. It made us look a little tin pot to be honest and was on a par with their drum!!!!
Funny place Norway (apart from being expensive for a beer) the office I was at donated all of the flares that they’d manufactured (but were surplus to oil and gas company needs) to the local school to use at their football games.

Without getting into the rights and wrongs of their use in English football it always makes me think about an OUFC regular doing time for having one (not his own) on his person at Plymouth. It’s a little like the safe standing debate really.

I watched a video of Eastbourne Town recently who have a recently developed Ultras group and have got pyro (flares and smoke) going all match. Is there anything that says it’s safer at lower league level than at League 1? Or that fans in a football ground are more likely to combust/choke than those at a festival?

Did it improve the atmosphere on Saturday? Not really. Did it look good when the lads were stood on the roundabout as the players coach left to go to Wembley for our first promotion? Did it look good as it broke out at the magic roundabout the first time we played and beat them away for some time or at home by what is now the Lighthouse. I’d say yes.
It's all very well saying that one little smoke bomb isn't a problem. But one soon becomes several and then we end up like at the cup match at Brentford where several elderly supporters, myself included, were incapacitated by the dense fog of yellow smoke and didn't get to see much of what was a great victory on the night.
As far as I'm concerned, one little smoke bomb should mean one long ban from the ground.
Where you not young once ? As long as not throwing it at someone a bit of exuberance at a footy match is preferable to hanging around streets etc
So in your world those two activities are alternatives? A bit of exuberance at foptball is fine. Hanging around streets causing no problems for anyone is fine. Throwing pyros is not, which is what all but our resident idiot (not you) agree.
Here we go again, no Pete ...I do think that young males especially growing up following a football team gives lots of kids a purpose which yes they may occasionally overstep the mark but learn from it and get told by peer pressure that is not acceptable. Look at stabbings, drug taking, anti social s**t that some kids could get involved in then I'm happy for them to have a mostly positive focus.
Why are you not condemning throwing pyros? You seem to be lumping all 'exuberant' activities together as a positive thing. Most exuberant activities (singing, for example) are to be admired, but not all. Please explain why 'hanging around streets' is necessarily a negative whereas being exuberant at football is always a positive. The reason I often pull you up on your posts is that they're ambiguous and unclear. Perhaps you need to be more specific in your comments?
You do need things spelled out . Throwing pyros is dangerous and a stupid thing to do. Explaining to the kids why rather than completely condemning them and casting them aside is surely a better option ? Pyros work amazingly well abroad with no issues I hear off. Obviously I think kids from a possibly disadvantaged background are better for having a purpose rather than the gangs /anti social stuffthey can get sucked into. You know that.
Whether they add to the atmosphere or not it has been made abundantly clear that in England pyros are not tolerated and clubs (OUFC included) have had warnings. I very much doubt anyone going to a football match is not aware of this. So why the idiot still went ahead and threw one takes some explaining. Or do they not really care one little bit for our football club.
I also still fail to understand how they're smuggled in or why CCTV can't pick out the culprit(s).
Do you honestly think we'd be docked points for this type of incident

If it keeps happening, yes. Have you noticed the Football League getting a bit manic on points deductions with Macclesfield after the embarrassment of the Bolton scenario?
Believe me, they will end up docking us points if this continues.
f**k off to Swindon and throw as many as you like but FFS don’t throw them here.
Surely if clubs are going to be docked points for fan's behaviour the authorities would start with pitch invasions and people attacking players ie the Grealish incident against Birmingham City
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Surely if clubs are going to be docked for fans behaviour they would start with pitch invasions and people attacking players ie the Grealish incident against Birminghsm City
In theory that is what’s supposed to happen, look at Bolton suspended points deduction for failing to play 2 games Macclesfield 6 points for failing one game, where’s the fairness in that
Even if it doesn't cost the club points deduction they will need to spend more now searching people and we will all take longer to get into the ground.

Thanks a bunch.
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