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What have you been listening to lately?

Yes some of their new stuff does sound better. They still annoy me though. I’m not really a fan of very grungy music these days but I like Fontaines DC

Love Fontaines DC - saw them in Pompey in August and they were superb. Love the track You Said in particular - probably because the guitars are very Interpoly.
Berth Hart. saw her at Bath Forum a week or so ago. first live gig for 18 months. Also Robert Plant + Alison Krauss - Raising the roof CD
British prog band Big Big Train, particularly as they lost their great singer David Longdon to a tragic accident this week
Been listening to SAULT a lot recently. Mercury nominated, all sorts of influences going on there. Trip hop, electro, ballads, 70s lounge music, soul, R&B, drum and bass, sometimes mixed all together in the same song. Really very, very good.
Went to watch James and The Happy Mondays last night - superb gig and James are still rocking with some good new material.
Went to watch James and The Happy Mondays last night - superb gig and James are still rocking with some good new material.
Tim Booth is a top front man.
It will no doubt be rescheduled to clash with something I've already arranged
That's what I'm worried about with the potential Shed Seven rearranged dates, I've got loads in the feb-mar-apr range next year.
I think its one of the reasons some gigs have been poorly attended, if it gets rescheduled you should have the option of upto say a month before the new date to opt for a refund if unable to attend. There's a lot of people who cannot afford to take a punt on a gig that gets rescheduled with no refund option.
I've been lucky I've sold a couple on Twickets and got a credit from the New Theatre for another couple.
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