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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

I see a new pedestrian/ cycle bridge has been given the go ahead by OCC at Grandpont to Osney
Just seen the general comments and outcry by the NIMBYS in that area probably the same sort of people as FoSB, using same sort of arguments (on Facebook)
Looks like the Fail are behind them too
They just don’t want anything new built next to them,whilst forgetting that the very houses in which they live were new build at one time
How does anything new get built in Oxfordshire?! It seems like the NIMBY menace is very strong within the county.
Ian, the information hasn't been submitted because OUFC have not been granted access to the new traffic model. If OUFC had waited until they had access to this traffic model to submit the entire stadium application you sure as anything guarantee that you would complain about that. Absolutely childish crap from an elected official once again.

Will this ever man take a day off from lying through his teeth? Absolute goading pillock. The sooner he leaves the good people of Oxfordshire alone, the better.
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Ian, the information hasn't been submitted because OUFC have not been granted access to the new traffic model.

Will this ever man take a day off from lying through his teeth? Absolute goading pillock.
who grants permission HIS council occ, they have been waiting we obviously couldn't wait any longer and I very much doubt it will make huge difference to what has already been submitted. The fact is this new model is traffic in the future so after 5 years in the stadium peoples travel will be very different to that first season people will of adapted
Given Middleton's clear anti-stadium stance and the obvious potential that he could influence his wife, Cllr Mawson's views on this matter, you have to wonder if its appropriate for her to be on the planning committee for the stadium application.

Also, its very likely as the Leader of the Oxfordshire Green Party will try and whip his fellow councillors to share his views so you have to wonder if its fair that any Green Party councillors are on the committee for the stadium application.

Cllr McLean has already voted for anti-stadium motions/opinions on KPC so has fettered her position I'd say.

Lots for Cherwell to consider.

However there is an investigation into predetermination I'd fully expect the Greens to drag their heels in giving evidence to delay the process so perhaps its best Cherwell don't look into it.
Given Middleton's clear anti-stadium stance and the obvious potential that he could influence his wife, Cllr Mawson's views on this matter, you have to wonder if its appropriate for her to be on the planning committee for the stadium application.

Also, its very likely as the Leader of the Oxfordshire Green Party will try and whip his fellow councillors to share his views so you have to wonder if its fair that any Green Party councillors are on the committee for the stadium application.

Cllr McLean has already voted for anti-stadium motions/opinions on KPC so has fettered her position I'd say.

Lots for Cherwell to consider.

However there is an investigation into predetermination I'd fully expect the Greens to drag their heels in giving evidence to delay the process so perhaps its best Cherwell don't look into it.

Is it just majority decision to decide?
Given Middleton's clear anti-stadium stance and the obvious potential that he could influence his wife, Cllr Mawson's views on this matter, you have to wonder if its appropriate for her to be on the planning committee for the stadium application.

Also, its very likely as the Leader of the Oxfordshire Green Party will try and whip his fellow councillors to share his views so you have to wonder if its fair that any Green Party councillors are on the committee for the stadium application.

Cllr McLean has already voted for anti-stadium motions/opinions on KPC so has fettered her position I'd say.

Lots for Cherwell to consider.

However there is an investigation into predetermination I'd fully expect the Greens to drag their heels in giving evidence to delay the process so perhaps its best Cherwell don't look into it.

For balance, Nigel Simpson should not be there either. He's an OUFC fan and season ticket holder.

The full CDC Planning Committee are listed here: https://modgov.cherwell.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=117

It's currently 8 CON, 3 LAB, 3 LDs, 2 INDs 1 GRN. Those numbers generally work in our favour since we know that the Conservatives and Labour are generally behind this but lose a couple of Tories (such as Simpson above) and in steps Middleton and the numbers look more shaky.

As you mention, Cllr Mawson and reserve Cllr Middleton have made their feelings well known. Neither should be anywhere near this although @Oxymoron seems to be the poster clued up on exactly what seems to be a 'conflict of interest' or predetermined viewpoint. Ian Middleton likes the sound of his voice so much that any one can see that his mind has been made up. Fiona Mawson is harder to prove. I suspect she is 'Ferretmeister' on the OM comments page but she's certainly not said anything majorly damning, nor can we prove it is her. That said, she has voted against the stadium as a KPC councillor though.

I've mentioned before that Cllr McLean has never actually voted against the stadium as a councillor for KPC. She abstained in the 7 September KPC motion to oppose the stadium and was the only KPC councillor to do so (Item 23/059). She's voted in favour of objecting to the stadium unless KPC's usual four demands were met in June 2023. I don't suspect she's a true ally but she's presented herself more fairly knowing she wears more than one councillor hat.

FYI - the next two Planning Commitee meetings are scheduled for Thursday 6th June at 4pm and Thursday 4th July at 4pm.
Given Middleton's clear anti-stadium stance and the obvious potential that he could influence his wife, Cllr Mawson's views on this matter, you have to wonder if its appropriate for her to be on the planning committee for the stadium application.

Also, its very likely as the Leader of the Oxfordshire Green Party will try and whip his fellow councillors to share his views so you have to wonder if its fair that any Green Party councillors are on the committee for the stadium application.

Cllr McLean has already voted for anti-stadium motions/opinions on KPC so has fettered her position I'd say.

Lots for Cherwell to consider.

However there is an investigation into predetermination I'd fully expect the Greens to drag their heels in giving evidence to delay the process so perhaps its best Cherwell don't look into it.
While reviewing the planning committee, if you click on a councillor, it displays their declarations at meetings. For instance, one councillor declared a Registerable Interest because the council they are part of had been consulted on the proposal. Does this mean they are then unable to participate in the discussion??
So if we get the planning officer and a majority decision the odd dissenting vote will be meaningless?
Planning, if I understand the process, is not decided on a whim, a political standpoint or even if you just don't like football fans. It's decided on criteria. If the proposal meets the criteria and fulfils any pre-conditions, then there cannot be any grounds for refusal.
While reviewing the planning committee, if you click on a councillor, it displays their declarations at meetings. For instance, one councillor declared a Registerable Interest because the council they are part of had been consulted on the proposal. Does this mean they are then unable to participate in the discussion??

If that was the case, it would knock most of them out of the Planning Committee, wouldn't it? Many councillors aren't just councillors for one district. They sit on a few. Middleton must love spending his evenings discussing local issues bearing in mind he sits on five.

It would be interesting to know the process that follows now because I'm not aware of it.
If that was the case, it would knock most of them out of the Planning Committee, wouldn't it? Many councillors aren't just councillors for one district. They sit on a few. Middleton must love spending his evenings discussing local issues bearing in mind he sits on five.

It would be interesting to know the process that follows now because I'm not aware of it.
The individual I was examining is a councillor on Banbury Council, and the planning application in question pertains to Banbury. Mawson submitted one concerning the level crossing at Sandy Lane, owing to her proximity to the location.
I suspect she is 'Ferretmeister' on the OM comments page but she's certainly not said anything majorly damning, nor can we prove it is her.
I'm pretty certain she now posts under "Mars Express" on the OM comments, very similar goading language.
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