Home Match Day Thread +++ 14/9/2019 OUFC v Tranmere Rovers Match Day Thread +++

Unless I read the OM wrong they’re predicting a team of:

Cadden Dickie Moore Ruffels
Gorrin Brannigan
Henry Woodburn Fosu
I’d be disappointed not to see Agyei r Baptiste start although I suppose they’d be good subs to bring on.
That looks fair enough to me.
It could be a very strong bench if Agyei, Taylor, Baptiste and Forde are on it.
Depends when (and if) we score first. Early goal and we could be in for a good day. The longer it goes the scrappier it'll get. I note everyone is going into this with huge optimism and not really noticing that this is exactly the manager and team set-up we struggle against.

Anyway, 2-1 to us.
Goal bonanza! 4-2 win. Rob hall to grab a late brace. Me to grab a pint and curse an afternoon batting collapse... Oh wait wrong sport... Erm Brannagan to top score with a century...
Afternoon all. Beautifully sunny day here at Grenoble Road. I feel strangely re- energised for today’s game. Good win. There I said it. COYY
So today will see if we can deal with one of the less fancied team in L1. I thinkwe will achieve a win. 2-0 if we don't score in the first half and 4-1 if we do score in the first half.

Elliott Moore pulls out in the warmup with a back spasm, Mousinho into the backline and Agyei onto the bench at short notice.
Burton aside, we looked fairly solid with Mous at the back and it gives another attacking option from the bench. Not ideal changing at the last minute, but maybe we'll be better as a result.
Not bothered who, how, why or when we score but just deliver the points lads. Easty to score the winner with the last kick of the game will do me.

It seems quite quiet at the ground. Could be a low attendance. I’m not overly enamoured with the lineup but we shall see. Lovely day for it
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