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Fan's View Fan's View 23/24 - No15: Wycombe at home

being ultra piky Stockbridge and his two inept assistants were in orahge shirts- presume the 'man in black' comment in FV was metaphorical?

I hope Wycombe soon find themselves back in non league football where they belong
being ultra piky Stockbridge and his two inept assistants were in orahge shirts- presume the 'man in black' comment in FV was metaphorical?

I hope Wycombe soon find themselves back in non league football where they belong
Yes - metaphorical. I couldn't be bothered to check when i wrote it. :)
Aside from the penalty decisions (or non decision) and the failure to allow advantage, the other factor in condemning SS performance that seems to have been put aside, was his repetition from that Doncaster game a while back, of not being able to count ten paces. We had 8.5, a nine and the strangest of all, 12 paces!
Now we hear that Liam Manning has not been charged with anything (so far) by the FA and will be free to take his place in the technical area tomorrow evening at Lincoln. Could it be that the assessor has contradicted the officials report? Is there some doubt as to the nature of the infringement as reported? If only we, the paying public, could be privy to those discussions at the FA. Oh to be a fly on the wall, what would we make of that debate!
Aside from the penalty decisions (or non decision) and the failure to allow advantage, the other factor in condemning SS performance that seems to have been put aside, was his repetition from that Doncaster game a while back, of not being able to count ten paces. We had 8.5, a nine and the strangest of all, 12 paces!
Now we hear that Liam Manning has not been charged with anything (so far) by the FA and will be free to take his place in the technical area tomorrow evening at Lincoln. Could it be that the assessor has contradicted the officials report? Is there some doubt as to the nature of the infringement as reported? If only we, the paying public, could be privy to those discussions at the FA. Oh to be a fly on the wall, what would we make of that debate!
Inconsistencies all over the place.

An opponent should be 10 yards away from a free kick. That could be 20 paces for a short a**e ref or 6 or 7 for a giant. The size of a referee's leg and length of their stride does not change during a match.
Inconsistencies all over the place.

An opponent should be 10 yards away from a free kick. That could be 20 paces for a short a**e ref or 6 or 7 for a giant. The size of a referee's leg and length of their stride does not change during a match.
Or, in this case, the size of the officials intellect, ego and his perceived omnipotence.
yes, terrific stuff you both. always reassuring to have my similar thoughts on crap refereeing set out in print, Paul. and i've always suspected there is something deeply unpleasant about the WW franchise, Colin.
Great article @Paul B.
The non-advantage was absolutely unbelievable, he only needed to take a breath. It was game changing, because at 2-0 Wycombe were dead and buried. The handball incidents were so similar it’s incredible that they were judged differently. I left the stadium fuming, and saw nothing in the extended highlights to change my mind.

N.B. I’ve signed the pledge 👍
Inconsistencies all over the place.

An opponent should be 10 yards away from a free kick. That could be 20 paces for a short a**e ref or 6 or 7 for a giant. The size of a referee's leg and length of their stride does not change during a match.

If only there were measuring devices that can accurately measure the required distance.....
Great article @Paul B.
The non-advantage was absolutely unbelievable, he only needed to take a breath. It was game changing, because at 2-0 Wycombe were dead and buried. The handball incidents were so similar it’s incredible that they were judged differently. I left the stadium fuming, and saw nothing in the extended highlights to change my mind.

N.B. I’ve signed the pledge 👍
Not this one I assume Andy, “I hereby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled, fermented and malt liquors, including wine beer and hard cider, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and traffic in the same”. Traffic being the only relevant word in the Triangle related pledge.
To move away from the ref bit, the financial view (which normally goes over my head for the most part but thanks to Wycombe not really filing much I could follow with Colin leading me by the hand) is very interesting, Wycombe seem to be owned by some some not especially wealthy, in football terms at least, yanks, who want out but have increased the ownership stakes all whilst borrowing money from a Georgian billionaire against the ground, all with no comment from anyone at the club, strange situation.
Not this one I assume Andy, “I hereby solemnly promise, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled, fermented and malt liquors, including wine beer and hard cider, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and traffic in the same”. Traffic being the only relevant word in the Triangle related pledge.
I’d rather kill myself 😀
My understanding is that the stadium is 100% held in Trust by The Supporters Trust and therefore could not be used as security for any borrowings??
Excellent Paul ( and Colin).
I didn't go to the game, but reasonable people who I know who went ( they generally do not slate the referee), were incandescent during and after the game.
With assessors at the game, and the reputation that this referee seems to have amongst supporters generally, it does make you wonder why the FA dont demote him, or insist that he doesn't make the game all about him!
On Colin's financial report - If there was only £7k in the bank at 30 June 2022, it begs the question what has happened to the Season Ticket money received, May & June, for the following season?
On Colin's financial report - If there was only £7k in the bank at 30 June 2022, it begs the question what has happened to the Season Ticket money received, May & June, for the following season?
In simple terms, they'd obviously spent it on paying off debts.

They also had an overdraft of £110,000 at that point, something that they didn't previously have and total creditors of £3.7m, most of which was due within 12 months. Included in this was £512,000 to HMRC for Tax & Social Security, which tells me they were late paying HMRC for the last quarter, as their quarterly HMRC payment usually looks to be about half of that, meaning the £512,000 represented 6 months worth.

As I said in the report, it's the sort of thing that sets alarm bells ringing. It's a lack of cash that kills businesses. If you have debt, but the resources, or backers, to service it, then it's no problem. But if you have debts and no cash or cashflow you will soon hit problems. It looks like they'd used up the surplus from their year in the Championship and had run out of money.

There's a reason their owners may be looking to bail already.
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