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EFL Gillingham match (and all other EFL games 17/4 at 3pm) to be moved

Do you complain to the media/authorities when our games get selected for TV and moved at relatively short notice? Thought not. Yes, I do actually!

It`s not forced upon "us" it is a mark of respect for the man & the institution that the overwhelming majority understand and support.

Go shopping, cut the grass or do something else if you don`t want to watch the funeral. But will the shops be open? I suspect they will close "out of respect"

The game will still be played, you can still watch it.

My whole point is not that those who want to mourn, or pay respect, shouldn't. It's that those of us who wish not to shouldn't have pretty much all of our possible alternatives removed, as I strongly suspect will be the case by the time Saturday comes around.
the institution is of great significance to the country and his funeral is too.

Wrong way round. The funeral is important (and why everything else is cancelled) because some people in power think the institution should be significant to all the subjects in the UK.

Be patriotic! Sling these Germans out and let's have a republic!
If I can’t watch the football I will take the dog for a nice very long walk but I definitely won’t be watching the funeral I have no interest in the royal family
If I can’t watch the football I will take the dog for a nice very long walk but I definitely won’t be watching the funeral I have no interest in the royal family
Maybe your dog might want to watch the funeral though?... especially if he ( or she) is called 'Rex' ;)
As long as its on sometime on saturday, without fans being able to go it shouldnt be too bad.
As long as it’s earlier rather than later, too. If it’s later, my republican streak is going to get a power boost.
But should it be forced upon us in this way? You talk of respect, well I might have more respect if I was allowed to make my own mind up, rather than be force fed what I'm supposed to do and think by the way that the media/authorities are handling this. The irony is that we're supposed to live in a democracy but this doesn't seem very democratic to me.
You’re not being forced to watch it. Put the MCF on instead and bask in the glory for a couple of hours. Beautiful.
You've quoted my post, so I'm assuming that your comment is aimed at me? Apologies if I've got that wrong.

But if it is aimed at me, where have I said my life is more important than anyone else? In fact I'm saying the opposite, I'm saying that all our lives are important, and we shouldn't be forced to change them for one man's funeral, whoever he is. I would like the choice of whether I watch this funeral or not (I won't, as you'd have guessed), and have no problem if millions of people did choose to watch it (choose being the operative word), but I suspect there will be some sort of national shut down of everything next Saturday afternoon "out of respect" thereby virtually imposing it on us via the lack of alternative things to do and the blanket media coverage that will inevitably happen. I hope it's a sunny afternoon and I can sit in the garden with a book, although I'd rather be watching football.

And one last thing. The football fixtures at 3pm next Saturday have been in place for months. They could, and should in my opinion, have chosen a different date and/or time for the funeral, rather than expect everyone else to change their already planned events. Or are the royal lives more important than anyone else?

This and further posts just reinforce my point which you didn’t understand but that’s not surprising given what it is!
It’s obviously because all footballers are royalists, and want to watch the funeral too.
Weird county Northamptonshire is .......stretches from north east of Banbury all the way to the A1 at Stamford.
Weird county Northamptonshire is .......stretches from north east of Banbury all the way to the A1 at Stamford.
and they have their Gatso fixed speed cameras (in the main) pointing towards drivers - unlike most other English countys
This and further posts just reinforce my point which you didn’t understand but that’s not surprising given what it is!

So why don't you try typing more than one sentence at a time and explain what you do mean. Or is that too much trouble?
@Colin B my plan if played early is to pause iFollow and then take the kids out for a couple of hours, away from all media sources, and then press play at 3pm when they know to leave me alone for a couple of hours! If the game is played Friday night, I'll have to watch it then and work overtime Saturday. It's a bit of a pisser, but I guess it's something worth getting used to for the Chsmpionship and PL years ahead!!
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