New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

And I see the Fail are touting for long-distance fans to contact them for a story about flying in from Australia and the US etc for the big game. I wonder what spin they can put on that? Oh I know, the carbon footprint of selfish fans coming all that way for a football match!
Personally one all linf distant fans tell the Fail to shove it where the sun don’t shine
It will be very interesting to see which councillors are chosen to serve on the planning committee. Two Greens, who will they be? Middleton, Mawson, Ward ? All three openly anti stadium. All 3 KPC councillors, a council that approved two motions that are delaying tactics. Yes we wait with anticipation.
If they sit on the planning committee they will have to recuse themselves if they don’t it will become common knowledge that CDC have acted inappropriately and when the government over turn them think of all the council tax payers moaning as the council tax will have to rise to cover the shortfall in their budget because of the fine they will have to pay. But knowing those theee CLLR’s they will blame OUFC by stating this fine wouldn’t have been given to CEC if OUFC hadn’t pushed ahead with the planning application.
Against the stadium.

It's not as binary as that. My post below follows Cllr McLean's voting patterns and she uses the abstain most often in relation to stadium matters since she also sits (or at least sat) on the CDC Planning Committee.

Minutes are up from KPC's 9th May Meeting. There were two items up regarding the stadium and she abstained again on both occasions (Mawson and Ward also abstained on the first one as well).

Thanks Swiss. You're doing an amazing job across all this and on social media. Agree this is a major development indeed. Regardless of who joins the planning committee this leaves anti-stadium voices and fence sitters more isolated and exposed without that Progressive Alliance (sic) shield. If, at planning, OUFC demonstrate alignment with the local plan and meet the required conditions any councillors who play politics will expose themselves and, more importantly, their parties to the consequences more directly.
But the 3 you are talking about will have predetermined views and will have to be excluded but if by any chance they aren’t and it becomes apparent then I’m sure something would be done about and who knows the governlet might step and say they’re incompetent.
How you getting on? I quoted him saying that park way couldn't cope and special trains won't go to park way and told him how wrong he was he then started telling network rail had objections then he blocked me 🤣🤣
I haven’t come accross him today is it on Next door
Hee hee. Absolutely. Forgot that :) Every local paper has one or two celebs to obssess over. The ones I love are from places where the celeb quota is small so it's all about some singer who was born in the local hospital but moved to London when they were 2.
The weirdest quote I saw in the Fail was “Beckhams delicatessen saves post office”
So I wrote to the Fail to ask if Beckham owned the Burford Delicatessen ( needlessly to say he don’t ) needless to say the Fail wouldn’t print my letter…..and before any sarcastic it was a legibility written letter……
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