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Home Match Day Thread +++ 22/09/18 OUFC v Walsall Match Day Thread +++

We’ve lost 4/5 home games and have taken 5 points from 27. It’s already looking dodgy. We could legitimately get a quarter of the way through the season and have half a dozen points at best. If that happens even if we doubled that points tally for the other three quarters and got 12 points in each, we would end the season on around about 42 points. Guaranteed relegation.

This is what people need to start looking at. These are facts. We are already, right now, two games away from this.

Why do we we need to start looking at this? Is there something we’re all supposed to be doing to fix it? Pray tell
I'm a fan of Robinson but he's nearly at last chance saloon.

The next three league games against Wimbledon, Luton and Southend are it. Lose two and he has to go for me. Will be a shame but if we are nearly at double figures for defeats in October then that is simply unacceptable.

I'm fully behind him and there will be no booing or Robinson out from me at games but I'm not delusional.
All of our many attempts on goal and in the final third in general, we show no conviction or confidence. At the moment we display relegation demeanor, but watch out Wombles were coming good soon.
Came here to say this - I was as angry as anyone about the 'offside' goal, but if the player was in fact being played on by Norman, then fair play to the lino. Similarly, if that WAS a foul/dive by Dickie at the end, then that's a great decision. Will need to see it again. And he was generally pretty consistent and on top of things. Their 29 was pretty clever in stopping us taking quick free kicks, as annoying as it was. But he did just lose control of the game by the end. That said, I don't know why our players were delaying play in stoppage time by continuing to berate him and the lino about a decision that went against us. Time and a place! Which incidentally is another thing that annoys me - we KEEP giving avoidable, niggly fouls away when chasing a game late on, which teams just use to kill the game and run down the clock. Does my head in.

Other than that though, I'm going to go against the grain and say I really don't think we were that bad. The first 15 minutes of that second half were the best I've seen us play this season - purposeful, snapping into tackles, good going forward (not to mention some great anti-kassab noise from the fans). We got ourselves into some good positions and deserved a draw. Irritating that they scored from two glaring individual errors, but that's the vein we're in. I also think our deficiencies at CM are being overlooked. We badly miss a player like Lunny. When we actually spread the ball wide quickly today, as happened maybe 3 times, we looked dangerous. Unfortunately, we had two gritty, ball winning players, rather than ball players, and there was no fluidity to our play. They weren't even winning that the central midfield battle - their #30 I thought was excellent, broke up the play really well.

Hope the Walsall fans enjoy singing the 'EIEIEIO' song while they can. If that team is in the playoffs at season's end I'll be stunned.

Unfortunately, that opinion, justifying KR a longer stay is only going to make it harder for his successor to keep us up. How can you genuinely say he deserves more time??
Couple of points i picked up from this game-
-Mitchell's best game for us, apart from being a bit hesitant for there 1st he looked a different keeper and commanded his area well and distributed well.
-Midfield too weak physically, Hanson lost the ball too easily and constantly passing sideways instead of looking to make a forward pass.
-Holmes, i like him but too greedy, not looking for the best option and i feel like he's playing for himself. Not really passing to a man in a better position.
-Strikers are both as eachother, are too nice an not prepared to battle.
-Robinson, tactially inept and a stubborn idiot. Playing 6 on the bench just to prove a point.
-Proud to see the fans come together and make our disappointment known about Ka$$am screwing us over even more.

Also where were those 4.5k extra that are going Man City, today?
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