New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Theyve gone better than Dubes in footballing terms- scored 3 in their own net

Pissed off - TVP PCC

Pissed off - ITV Meridian ( who broadcast a retraction of sorts after their first broadcast report based on OM Front Page)

Pissed off - countless more OUFC supporters - the OM following on social media for instance has plummeted

OM- what silly Folker's they are
Interestingly Folker is a football fan. Looks like he supports Blackburn.
I’m not on social media anymore but could someone like @SwissYellow post the following picture on their account(s) and then post the links to the messages on here.

Then everyone can reshare and encourage their followers to do the same.

Not just because the Oxford Mail acted so unethically and should be called out for it, but to counter the slander of recent days. Get it on Nextdoor too.

I know we’ve got a game tomorrow, but that means even more people than normal will see the #oufc hashtag tonight, tomorrow morning and into next week. It could do serious numbers if people all keep liking and RTing while tagging those they know in.

Tag in the Oxford Mail handles so they definitely see it too - call for an #OxfordFailBoycott unless they give us a #FrontPageApology

I genuinely think this requires action from us fans.

Hit them hard. Put their feet to the fire. Let them know, calmly but unequivocally, that their actions were damaging and unacceptable.

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I’m not on social media anymore but could someone like @SwissYellow post the following picture on their account(s) and then post the links to the messages on here.

Then everyone can reshare and encourage their followers to do the same.

Not just because the Oxford Mail acted so unethically and should be called out for it, but to counter the slander of recent days. Get it on Nextdoor too.

I know we’ve got a game tomorrow, but that means even more people than normal will see the #oufc hashtag tonight, tomorrow morning and into next week. It could do serious numbers if people all keep liking and RTing while tagging those they know in.

Tag in the Oxford Mail handles so they definitely see it too - call for an #OxfordFailBoycott unless they give us a #FrontPageApology

I genuinely think this requires action from us fans.

Hit them hard. Put their feet to the fire. Let them know, calmly but unequivocally, that their actions were damaging and unacceptable.

View attachment 19782
I will put it on nextdoor next week I've deliberately left it off of next door as I wanted people to focus on play offs and see how magnificent our support is around Oxfordshire
I will put it on nextdoor next week I've deliberately left it off of next door as I wanted people to focus on play offs and see how magnificent our support is around Oxfordshire
Great, thank you.

We really need to push hard on this.

The opposition are getting desperate and they’re beginning to use the local paper as a puppet.

Notice that a certain Councillor from a minority party got himself quoted in the Cherwell Conservative Leader piece too?

Why exactly? Why is a Councillor from a very small, minority party in that District setting the news agenda?

A party that holds 8% - EIGHT PER CENT - of the district council in question should not be getting such prominent coverage. How many articles feature said Councillor?

It’s damaging democracy to have ideologues from the fringe dictating public discourse in this way.

This is about more than just the stadium. It’s unhealthy for society to have mistruths and rank sensationalism so regularly in print.
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I’m not on social media anymore but could someone like @SwissYellow post the following picture on their account(s) and then post the links to the messages on here.

Then everyone can reshare and encourage their followers to do the same.

Not just because the Oxford Mail acted so unethically and should be called out for it, but to counter the slander of recent days. Get it on Nextdoor too.

I know we’ve got a game tomorrow, but that means even more people than normal will see the #oufc hashtag tonight, tomorrow morning and into next week. It could do serious numbers if people all keep liking and RTing while tagging those they know in.

Tag in the Oxford Mail handles so they definitely see it too - call for an #OxfordFailBoycott unless they give us a #FrontPageApology

I genuinely think this requires action from us fans.

Hit them hard. Put their feet to the fire. Let them know, calmly but unequivocally, that their actions were damaging and unacceptable.

View attachment 19782
I've put it on the big OUFC group on facebook
Great, thank you.

We really need to push hard on this.

The opposition are getting desperate and they’re beginning to use the local paper as a puppet.

Notice that a certain Clouncillor from a minority party got himself quoted in the Cherwell Conservative Leader piece too?

Why exactly? Why is a Councillor from a very small, minority party in that District setting the news agenda?

A party that holds 8% - EIGHT PER CENT - of the district council in question should not be getting such prominent coverage. How many articles feature said Councillor?

It’s damaging democracy to have ideologues from the fringe dictating public discourse in this way.

This is about more than just the stadium. It’s unhealthy for society to have mistruths and rank sensationalism so regularly in print.
What I will say about fosb and nextdoor since the signing of legally binding contract if not a bit before then they have gone very quiet.
Middleton has clearly been told to button it(hi Ian I expect your post something now) victoria (hi Vicky) has on radio silence since taking a beating in the election.
The only one talking is motor mouth and professional bull shitter Steve and that's only on Oxford fail Facebook page

The only other thing that we have noticed is Suzanne has signed back up on nextdoor but has stayed silent
Good stuff. Thank you. If you post a link on here, maybe some folk on here will be encouraged to reshare it and tag others.
Its just word for word what you said but perhaps a good reference point for people to use from facebook

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We as Oxford United supporters have known for sometime that something is off at the Oxford Mail, we’re not stupid, it’s plain for anyone to see who takes an interest in local matters. We’re not being melodramatic as the Oxford Mail would have you believe, we can see the front page anti stadium bias, we can see the North Oxford set agenda, we can see that a certain Green councillor and fosb supporters get way too much coverage, letter space, and quotes than their small, shouty, nimby agenda should expect or deserve.

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley clearly agrees and it’s good and right to see that he has called out the Oxford Mail for their front page anti stadium bias.
Wow @MJB ! When the most diplomatic member of the forum advocates direct action you know it's warranted.

Great point about the Greens disproportionately high feature in Oxford Mail articles. Very telling.
Yes, on reflection a line was crossed here.

I don’t think we should get abusive with the paper. Or its reporters, many of who simply don’t have the requisite skills, training or experience to know what ethical journalism is.

As ever, we’re better than that.

So should they be.

Let’s be loud on this one.
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