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Away Match Day Thread +++ 1/1/2019 Plymouth Argyle v OUFC match day thread+++

Getting more experienced league 1/championship fit players in the club would improve things straight away.
Yep, I can’t argue with that, but can we trust the man in charge of last summers transfer window debacle to get that right?

I’ll say that I don’t believe for one second that Robinson will be dismissed anyway, some might argue that him being here or going isn’t relevant to the more important issues of property development, but getting the squad right is easier said than done. It would be a good start but KR would still need to convince me he’s a good coach and not someone out of ideas and in decline.
I want KR to go 100%. However, would now be the best time to do it? After all the prep going into this window, that could be all thrown into the water, and knowing Tiger, a new boss wouldn't arrive until the January window has shut.
What prep?
Robinson is a dead man walking, sounding devoid of ideas. He talks of collective responsibility, yet it is the squad he assembled, so not being able to put 7 first team players on the bench is clearly his fault.

As for injuries, he brought the biggest sicknotes, Holmes and Carruthers. He decided to keep Hall on with his problems, Browne was injured on arrival and Mackie has a recent history of problems.

A new manager comes in with fresh ideas, a different game plan, which is now what we need.

It’s been fairly obvious since earlier in the season when the club were trying to negotiate a new contract with him that he either wanted out or an improved package.

I personally think we should keep him until the end of the season unless a ridiculous offer comes in for him e.g. £3m+.

Losing Nelson would certainly condemn us to league 2, and god knows how much that could cost us in lost revenue etc and trying to get back to where we are now. We must do all we can to stay in this league.

We all know promotion aspirations have gone and it’s about staying in this league, so all we can do is get behind the team/management etc to give us the best chance of achieving this.

It’s time to start believing!!

In parallel to this we really need to be putting some pressure on Tiger to find out what the hell us going on at this club and what’s the plan.

Isn’t that what Oxvox are for
I watched the game, and listened to the KR interview. We were poor for much of it and players did appear to be running on empty but we kept trying and indeed had a lot of possession and corners but few genuine goal threats. Browne missed a glorious chance at 2-0 but even he could not be faulted for effort. We were vulnerable on left side of our defence and Carey and Lameiras ran us ragged. We obviously missed Mous first half. Brannagan is not a holding midfielder. Far better when given some freedom. It is obvious players are knackered and now low on confidence. I thought both central defenders struggled and it is apparent from the performance & interview that Nelson is looking for a lucrative ( for him) move. I felt for KR. Indeed contrary to what his bashers on here say he did talk a lot of sense and did admit a tactical error. Those who think making key signings is easy are deluded. Players of decent quality are in demand. Agents run the game and will hold out as they too gain from upping the price, signing on fee and wages. Clubs will auction players. We may do the same with Nelson. I am not saying KR should stay but will a change work? There seems no doubt that Tiger’s frequent absenteeism is an issue. Many of us always expressed grave concerns about his ownership but time will tell. What is now needed is strengthening of the squad of course but crucially us true fans really get behind the team if we want our lge 1 status retained come May.
There’s some good balanced points in this.
Anyone wanna buy a bus,?
1 careful owner ?
TBH how can anyone slag a player off if they haven't seen them play.
Also didn't KR say Pekalski couldn't run and only pass the ball sideways/ back. So hardly bigging him up for a return to the squad.
Though if it's true about his passing he would've slotted in easily.

He also said that Pekalski had asked to go for Xmas, not that he did go. On that basis, for Robinson to talk about him in the interview as he did, shows real arrogance and poor people skills.
Robinson is a dead man walking, sounding devoid of ideas. He talks of collective responsibility, yet it is the squad he assembled, so not being able to put 7 first team players on the bench is clearly his fault.

As for injuries, he brought the biggest sicknotes, Holmes and Carruthers. He decided to keep Hall on with his problems, Browne was injured on arrival and Mackie has a recent history of problems.

A new manager comes in with fresh ideas, a different game plan, which is now what we need.
Theres no record that Holmes and Carruthers had injury problems before joining.
this is all pie in the sky though isn't it as Tiger has neither the balls nor the gumption to sack KR anyway - after all he still thinks we are gunning for promotion !!!
In short, we can all analyse and dissect Robinson’s post match interview - I accept some of what he said was insightful and made sense - but let’s face it, he could have said that if everyone gives him their bank details, he’d personally see to it that they’d get £500 paid into their accounts as a New Year present and people who have made their minds up would still think he was a bit of a w#nker. Ultimately it’s all about winning football matches and, for all his bluster, he’s not doing that enough.
I think Robinson realised his mouth had run away with him a bit (again) by quickly adding that he thought Pekalski was a good guy.
To be fair he is saying it as it is, there is no point in pussyfooting around. If the guy doesn’t want to play for us then B*****s to him. Another rubbish signing.
KR said that the players are worn out and his remedy is to bring them in on their day off.
but let’s face it, he could have said that if everyone gives him their bank details, he’d personally see to it that they’d get £500 paid into their accounts as a New Year present and people who have made their minds up would still think he was a bit of a w#nker.

I might not think he was a w****r, but I would think he was a liar.
don't recall people complaining when Mapp was bringing players in that had some history with injuries
I shall be sorry to lose Curtis but no player is bigger than the football club. I think his mind has been made up for some time. These are desperate times but we have to remain positive. What other option is there. Marvellous away following, they deserve much better.
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